Verblio Review: Is Verblio Worth It for Hiring?

Jason Quey
February 15, 2024

You have an idea, a plan, and may even have product development underway, but you’ve found you need an extra hand to make your business venture successful. Hiring an expert freelancer or contract worker is a streamlined way to get the results you need for your company.

Roughly one-third of the entire U.S. workforce consists of freelance workers. Finding the perfect match through the tens of millions of contractors is overwhelming for anyone. Using a third-party service to connect with the writers, developers, and designers that fit your needs can be one of the most effective ways to meet your freelancing needs. 

Verblio, formerly named BlogMutt, is a freelance marketplace that connects entrepreneurs with high-quality content writing without having to sift through dozens of resumes or hire a full-time writer. The service significantly cuts down on the time it takes to choose quality writers and bloggers. 

Lancer Review’s Verblio review evaluates the freelance writing site’s pros, cons, and whether Verblio is worth it for your business. 

Looking for more information about another hiring website?

  1. For hiring developers, check out Toptal,, and Codementor.
  2. For hiring designers, check out DesignBro, DesignHill, and 99Designs.
  3. For all hiring needs, including overseas outsourcing, check out OnlineJobs, Fiverr, and Upwork.
  4. You can check out a list of website hiring reviews here.

How Verblio works

How Verblio works

Verblio is a content mill with an emphasis on speed. Writers create Ebooks, blog posts, newsletters, and much more for marketing companies and businesses, depending on their project requirements. The company says no order request is too large. They tackle significant monthly assignments for marketing agencies and large-size companies frequently.

Founders started the Colorado-based company in 2010. It helps roughly 1,500 clients every month. Its freelance network consists of several thousand contract writers with backgrounds in a massive mix of industries. 

Streamlined assignments

Verblio operates a bit differently from other freelance marketplaces. Most content-creation competitors will typically connect you with several qualified writers upfront. From there, you have to shuffle through those candidates, their work portfolios, and their expertise before finally choosing a single freelancer to tackle your assignment. 

With Verblio, instead of connecting you to one specific writer for your project, you assign your project upfront. The company sends your request to the entire database of Verblio writers, who personally complete your assignment immediately. You then have the chance to choose which piece of work best fits your vision without having to interview the writers.

When applying for a subscription, Verblio will ask you to define your company, target audience, and the tone and type of work you’d like. They say, from astrology to zoology, no matter how specific your niche needs are, they can match you with a writer who will effectively meet the requirements for your writing job. 

Clients pay for the writing service through a monthly or annual subscription. Verblio pays all of their writers through PayPal. Their freelancers make money based on the word count of their content.

Verblio praise and pros

One of the biggest draws to Verblio is its project completion speed. If you’re up against a deadline, the cost of working with Verblio is worth it. Most clients report that their projects were returned to them in full, only 48 to 72 hours after submitting their initial request. 

Content options trickle in as writers submit their work. You’ll be able to choose the creation that best fits your needs and vision from a pool of excellent writers. This method of connecting clients straight to their desired content, instead of initially linking them to a writer, eliminates the time and expense it takes to sort through candidates. It also cuts down significantly on project wait times.

Verblio talent pool

Verblio talent pool

One pro for the company is its talented pool of writers. The company only accepts the top 4 percent of writers to their team and routinely checks to be sure writers keep up with the company’s standard work quality. Many of the creators hold specific certifications, Master’s degrees, and more.

If you’re concerned that the company won’t complete large work requests or hyper-specific niche subject requests, you can ask for sample posts from previous writers for your industry. Verblio has a far-reaching content creation portfolio. Their writers even offer geographically specific work if you need writing that is regionally-focused. 

Verblio checks for plagiarism on all of their content. If you choose their Optimize service, they perform double proofreading and optimize for SEO.

After a writer completes one of your projects, you have the option to provide critiques, feedback, and request edits. As you continue to submit work requests with Verblio and provide input, writers better understand precisely the type of work you require. Clients report that their projects’ tone, quality, and writing style improved over time because of this continued constructive conversation. 

Additional services

There are several helpful services offered through Verblio’s site, but one of its secret weapons is its publishing assistance tool. After you’ve accepted finished work from a writer in Verblio’s operating system, you can use the company’s integration tool to publish the content to your site. With just one click, the content will integrate to either a WordPress or HubSpot site.

Verblio complaints and cons

Verblio’s limited pool of writers could impact the quality of your completed work. They claim they can write to fill any niche. Still, if your project demands an extraordinarily high or specific caliber of work, it isn’t a complete guarantee that the team will match you with a writer who can fit your exact needs.

Compared to competitors, Verblio’s vetting process for writers is marginally broader. While some companies admit only the top 3 percent of applicants, Verblio accepts the top 4 percent. To make up for this, the company routinely checks with its writers to ensure they’re following protocol and submitting successful work. Their tier system for rating writers is both extensive and fair.  

For writers, one of the main complaints is that the entirety of their work is on spec. While this competition level is a motivating factor for producing great work, some developers can get frustrated by their lack of success or pay. To help keep the talent pool in top-form, Verblio eventually phases out any writers who aren’t successfully selling any content. 

Project limitations

There are several writing projects that Verblio explicitly states the company will not complete. Their writers will not create social media copy, email campaigns, or case studies, according to the Verblio site. If your company requires one of these services, you’ll need to check out a different freelance site.  

Verblio will not help promote or place your project once it’s published. Social media development or website advertisement is entirely up to you. Verblio completes the content you’ve requested. What you then do with that content is in your hands.


Verblio pricing- what’s Verblio’s fee structure?

Verblio pricing- what’s Verblio’s fee structure?

According to the company’s pricing page, subscription costs for clients reflect the monthly work your team requires. For example, subscription costs vary between whether you’d like 300 words of content developed each month or 2,000 words.

If you request assignments that equal 1,000 words or more every month, you’ll have access to Verblio’s team of elite writers. It’s a way for the company to ensure you combine with the most reliable writers who can successfully tackle your requests. 

After selecting the approximate number of words you require for each assignment, you must choose the number of projects you’d like completed each month. You may want a 1,000-word article, four times a month, for example. According to Verblio’s price estimator, that particular subscription would cost about $479.80 per month. 

Clients can add several additional services to their subscription plans as well, for an extra cost. Those options include: 

  • Added photos
  • Content optimization
  • Full Verblio benefits packages

After choosing your project’s length and extent, you can opt to pay for the services monthly or at an annual rate. The yearly rate must be paid in full at once but ultimately saves you money compared to making monthly payments. 

If you’re unhappy with your service and refuse to accept any written content, you can request a full refund for that month’s subscription. For companies who wish to participate in the monthly subscription but need to skip a month, you can ask for a “skip” up to 3 times a year. 

Is Verblio worth it for hiring?

In the United States, most small businesses’ survival rate is only 50 percent after four years. That means, by your fifth year of business, there’s a 50-50 chance your company will still be afloat. Statistically, about a quarter of those entrepreneurs fail because they don’t have the right team around them. 

To increase your chances for success, surround yourself with a team that makes you feel confident in your product. Freelance writers and content creators are experts in their field. Verblio is worth the cost for clients because their writing network is full of only the top performers in content marketing.

Beyond having a strong talent pool to choose from, you also get to select the content that best fits your company and projects. It’s a competitive market that thrives off your feedback. Work is done to your exact specifications, and edits are accepted if you feel an assignment needs adjusting. 

Through completing this Verblio review, we have determined it’s worth it for clients to hire Verblio for niche content creation services. It’s especially worth it if your company requires blogging and new content every month.

The Product Marketing Agency Serving Entrepreneurs From Idea to Scale

Jason Quey

I am the CEO and Founder of Growth Ramp. I enjoy helping high-growth startups on their journey from idea to scale.

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